
       If I had one final lecture to share with a group of students on what I have learned in this class I would say, I have learned that being a life long learner and having a meaningful life is very important so you can go out and conquer the business world. In one of the videos from this course called, "A Hero's Journey," 3 promises were mentioned that would happen when becoming an entrepreneur. They are: "You will 1. learn how to learn, 2. learn to make money, 3. learn to have a meaningful life." The speaker then talked about his former students were able to figure out how to learn to learn and how to make money. The Speaker said the hardest promise for his students to figure out was how to have a meaningful life. He said, "live like every day matters!" He said to ask yourself these questions, "have I contributed to something meaningful? Am I a good person? Who did I love and who love me?" These questions were key takeaways from this cour
In reading" Randy Haykin: The Making of an Entrepreneur," I really connected with his honesty when he wrote his thoughts about his honest assessment of his strengths and weakness as a leader. For me it is hard to boast my strengths because feels prideful and then it’s hard for me to admit my weakness because then it will hut my pride. I am in a catch 22, but I know that it is important to admit both strengths and weaknesses. This is something I am working on. So, I really enjoyed see how he was willing to put himself out there for others to learn from. I also really like that he touched on the work/life balance. Haykin said, "b alancing work and family has been a real challenge, but I think the most rewarding part." I totally agree. Yes, at times it would be easier to accomplish your career aspirations without the worry of a family to care for; but then you are missing out of  so much joy in life. I truly feel if we involve God into our lives that we can find the co
In reading the article, "What is Business For?" by Charles Handy, I thought his opening statement was very telling. He said, "could capitalists actually bring down capitalism?" From looking up the definition of capitalism I found a pro and cons list of capitalism from A pro for capitalism is, "c apitalism  ensures efficiency because it is self-regulated through competition. It promotes innovation, freedom, and opportunity.  Capitalism  meets the needs of the people and is beneficial to societies as a whole.” If the business world could truly be balanced with trust, integrity and honesty, then capitalism would be a great set up where all parties could benefit. But there are also many cons too capitalism. This is what Handy is referring too in this article. When he talks about how trust is so vital yet so  fragile that is very telling. Some corporations and business owners are only in business for themselves and how much money they can make. Handy say
  The article this week titled, "Attitude on Money," by Stephen W. Gibson was a great read. He said that we all have filters that incur minds which can change the way we "see" things." So, we all will "see" money differently. But with the help from the spirit, we can pray to "see" money in a good and healthy way.  My attitude toward money is that it is a necessary part of living. It provides a safe home, good neighborhood, food, education, and much more of the comforts of life. The more money you can earn and save and live within your means the less money stresses and worries you will have. Prophets have encouraged saints to be educated and strive to make a good living to be self-sustaining. The more money you have can make your life feel a bit easier. There are things to be aware of when you do have access to more money. Sometimes having a lot of money can make people greedy. It could allow them to buy any world item to keep for themselves.
  This week I really enjoyed the video titled, "Think Big," by Taylor Richards. He was talking about how his business was invited to a top 100 business award event to celebrate the top 100 business in his certain field of business. As he continues is story the awards are counting down from 100 and he is very surprised as the numbers are getting closer to 50 and his company has still not been announced. As the countdown continues, his business landed in 11th place. He was shocked and proud of what he and his business group had accomplished. The next year his company attended the same event and they were awarded 6th place. His "Big Dreams" were coming true. Richards went on to say, "do not over or under estimate yourself, challenge yourself and pursue your goals and dreams." I find myself under estimating myself in many respects in my life. This is most likely do low confidence in my skill or just out of practice in certain areas of my life. In order to for
  For week 9: Disciple Leadership, the readings and videos were very informative. While watching the video "Aspects of Building Trust," Guy Kawasaki said, "trust others - you trust your people/ customers and they with trust you / your business." He then gave examples of Amazon and Zappos. These companies both "trust" the customer by offering free shipping and free returns of an items ordered that did not meet the needs of the customer. This gesture shows the customers that the company is willing to be flexible with purchases, returns, and shipping. With the business tactic of "trust," the company trusts the customers and in turn their customers will keep coming back because they know the business is willing to make the them happy with their purchase. Another video that I really liked was the Launching Leaders. The host was Jim Ritchie, and he said, "a leader is a person who take others to the higher ground with them." I love this. It sh
 This week for my journal entry, I really thought what Jeffery R. Holland said was profound. He said in his talk, "Good Things to Come," "don't you quit when things are hard. There is help and happiness ahead. It will be alright in the end, trust in God." I think this statement is very true when it says, "don't quit when things are hard." It is so easy to want to quit, believe me I have been there. It seems that quitting will solve most of the problems with things get difficult.  It takes all the pressure off of being successful. But on the other hand, if you quit when things are hard you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Most things in life that are worthwhile take significant effort and time to accomplish them. If you don't ever try, you won't learn and grow. When things get hard you need to look at the hardship as a learning experience or a challenge to overcome. When looking a problem with and open mindset, you can see possibil