The article this week titled, "Attitude on Money," by Stephen W. Gibson was a great read. He said that we all have filters that incur minds which can change the way we "see" things." So, we all will "see" money differently. But with the help from the spirit, we can pray to "see" money in a good and healthy way.  My attitude toward money is that it is a necessary part of living. It provides a safe home, good neighborhood, food, education, and much more of the comforts of life. The more money you can earn and save and live within your means the less money stresses and worries you will have. Prophets have encouraged saints to be educated and strive to make a good living to be self-sustaining. The more money you have can make your life feel a bit easier. There are things to be aware of when you do have access to more money. Sometimes having a lot of money can make people greedy. It could allow them to buy any world item to keep for themselves. I can make a person prideful and make feel more superior than others and unwilling to share with those in need. On the other hand, if you are blessed with a lot of money you can be grateful and willing to serve others by helping meet their temporal needs.  I feel like my view on money is that I would save money for myself and my family and if I had a "ton" of extra money I would donate it or give out scholarships. I would find a way to help people less fortunate. Over my 15-year marriage my husband has been truly blessed with a good career that makes money to meet our needs. I am grateful for the income that he has that allows is to be self-sustaining. We try to live within our means and always pay our tithing. Every year our fast-offering amount increased as we gain a salary increase. I hope to one day to be able to reach out more into the community to help with local poverty issues. I understand money, I understand the dangers, but as long as we have the Lord on our side, we have no need to fear how we would act with access to a large amount of money. 

Word Count: 394


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