This week I really enjoyed the video titled, "Think Big," by Taylor Richards. He was talking about how his business was invited to a top 100 business award event to celebrate the top 100 business in his certain field of business. As he continues is story the awards are counting down from 100 and he is very surprised as the numbers are getting closer to 50 and his company has still not been announced. As the countdown continues, his business landed in 11th place. He was shocked and proud of what he and his business group had accomplished. The next year his company attended the same event and they were awarded 6th place. His "Big Dreams" were coming true. Richards went on to say, "do not over or under estimate yourself, challenge yourself and pursue your goals and dreams." I find myself under estimating myself in many respects in my life. This is most likely do low confidence in my skill or just out of practice in certain areas of my life. In order to for me to achieve my "big dreams," I need to not be afraid to fail.  The fear of failure can be very controlling. In order to meet my photography goals; I will keep getting behind the camera and gain more and more confidence. My plan is to take photography classes at the local community college to help me improve my skill and to gain more confidence. I have found YouTube very helpful with camera trick tutorials, posing people during a photoshoot, and much more. My husband always says, "what stays the same, never changes." I am done staying the same because of fear of failure. I am ready to change and grow and make my dreams and goals come true. I have felt my confidence change and grow since I have started back at school in 2020. I took a 15-year break from my education due to raising my kids and getting my husband through law school. Now that my boys are getting older and more self-sufficient it was time for me to finish me education. I am so grateful for these new learning experiences in my life. I feel great about myself. I feel empowered to accomplish my BIG DREAMS. 

Word count: 368


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