I really enjoyed this weeks reading about honesty and business ethics. I gleaned from listening to Elder Lynn G. Robbins's talk "Making a Living and a life." I liked that he asked the group a rhetorical question about "what did Satan have to tempt Adam and Eve with?" I had never really thought about what Satan could tempt them with. Adam and Eve didn't have any possessions, money, or others to compare themselves too until they had more children. The only thing that Satan had at he beginning was their PRIDE. Elder Robbins's quoted Ezra Taft Benson and he said, "pride [the universal sin] is essentially competitive by nature. The proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinion, works, health and talent against them." This quote is very true when pertaining to the story of Cain and Able. Cain wanted to be better than Able and did whatever he could including killing his own brother to get there. Cain is the embodiment of pride. Another quote from Elder Robbins's talk was from C.S. Lewis and it reads, "pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more it it." I think that this quote is very profound and I have since looked at pride differently. I have looked back at my life and wondered have I had something but only wanted more of it? I look forward to looking at pride differently from now on and being more aware if it personally. I hope to experience what Elder Lynn G. Robbin's referred to as the "Grade A" type of business professional and individual. It is having a love of God and fellowman as my first motivation and my secondary motivation as income. If I can put God and others first, I will be blessed. 

word count: 300 


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