The topic for week 6 was "So you want to be an Entrepreneur." In the talk, "Success is Gauged by Self Mastery," by Elder N. Eldon Tanner was a very enlightening read. He shared a quote by Plato and it reads, "the first and best victory is to conquer self, by self." I found this quote very deep and meaningful to me. I spend hours a day trying to master my patience with my 4 children. Some days are great and others are very frustrating and I quickly run out of patience. My goal is to "conquer self, by self" while continually striving to be slow to anger and allow myself to be annoyed in certain situations. This will take daily practice and desire to accomplish my goal. The thought of self-mastery was continued as I was reading in the book "Mastery," by George Leonard. In chapter 10, "Why Resolutions Fall and What to Do About It," Leonard says, "every one of us resists significant change no matter whether it's for the worse or better. Our body brain, and behavior have a built-in-tendency to stay the same within narrow limits, and to snap back when changed." He goes on to say, "the condition of equilibrium this resistance to change is called homeostasis." When I read this, I found it very interesting because I myself have had issues with wanting to change for the better and reverting back to my old ways. Leonard says that a way to overcome homeostasis to become a lifelong learner, simply because when you are learning you are always changing. When the stress of learning something new, or homeostasis flares up, you just need to fight against it and keep pushing in the right direction of self-mastery. I am so grateful for this new awareness of how to "conquer self, by self. "

Word Count: 307


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