In reading" Randy Haykin: The Making of an Entrepreneur," I really connected with his honesty when he wrote his thoughts about his honest assessment of his strengths and weakness as a leader. For me it is hard to boast my strengths because feels prideful and then it’s hard for me to admit my weakness because then it will hut my pride. I am in a catch 22, but I know that it is important to admit both strengths and weaknesses. This is something I am working on. So, I really enjoyed see how he was willing to put himself out there for others to learn from. I also really like that he touched on the work/life balance. Haykin said, "balancing work and family has been a real challenge, but I think the most rewarding part." I totally agree. Yes, at times it would be easier to accomplish your career aspirations without the worry of a family to care for; but then you are missing out of so much joy in life. I truly feel if we involve God into our lives that we can find the courage to honestly asses our strengths and weakness and grow from them. He will also bless us with an ability to balance our lives in the best way for our individual needs. 

This week I also learned from Thomas S. Monson's talk, "An Attitude of Gratitude." He told the story of the ten leapers and how only one came back and showed gratitude for being made clean. Christ said, "thy faith has made you whole." I really thing that having an attitude of gratitude can make your burned seem lighter. If you are looking for the good you are not weighed down with the bad. It is freeing to be grateful. He also talked about refusing to remain in the realm of negativity and cultivate an attitude of gratitude. 

Word Count: 315


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