This week for my journal entry, I really thought what Jeffery R. Holland said was profound. He said in his talk, "Good Things to Come," "don't you quit when things are hard. There is help and happiness ahead. It will be alright in the end, trust in God." I think this statement is very true when it says, "don't quit when things are hard." It is so easy to want to quit, believe me I have been there. It seems that quitting will solve most of the problems with things get difficult.  It takes all the pressure off of being successful. But on the other hand, if you quit when things are hard you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Most things in life that are worthwhile take significant effort and time to accomplish them. If you don't ever try, you won't learn and grow. When things get hard you need to look at the hardship as a learning experience or a challenge to overcome. When looking a problem with and open mindset, you can see possibilities instead of walls. I also like in Holland's talk when he said, "help and happiness is ahead, all will be alright in the end, trust in God." There have been many times in my life where something has been super hard to endure. I pray to God daily for help to overcome and grow and master any challenges that I am facing. Trusting in God and having him part of your daily life significantly helps with the hardships of personal or business life. God loves us and wants to be successful in all that we do, but he knows in order to grow we need some hardship. Without hardship we would never learn to grow. If we never grow or change, we would only remain the same. Staying the same sound pretty boring to me. I know I have seen myself grow and change through hardship. I am grateful for my growth and hope to keep growing and changing for the better in my life. 

Word Count: 343


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