If I had one final lecture to share with a group of students on what I have learned in this class I would say, I have learned that being a life long learner and having a meaningful life is very important so you can go out and conquer the business world. In one of the videos from this course called, "A Hero's Journey," 3 promises were mentioned that would happen when becoming an entrepreneur. They are: "You will 1. learn how to learn, 2. learn to make money, 3. learn to have a meaningful life." The speaker then talked about his former students were able to figure out how to learn to learn and how to make money. The Speaker said the hardest promise for his students to figure out was how to have a meaningful life. He said, "live like every day matters!" He said to ask yourself these questions, "have I contributed to something meaningful? Am I a good person? Who did I love and who love me?" These questions were key takeaways from this course and would be great questions to keep pondering throughout your life. 

The last bit of advice I would give someone wanting to begin the entrepreneur journey is don't give up on your dream. The journey will be hard and worth it. But you need to find balance between life and business. This work life balance is hard but totally worth it in the end. 

    If I had a chance to give one last lecture, I would give the word of caution to take in the lessons learned from others and other business cases you have studies. No two business ventures are going to be alike. So, you need to be prepared that if your business venture goes south, then get up and try again. Don't give up. Don't let people tell you that you can't do it. Keep going if you are passionate about it.   

Word Count: 316 


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