For week 9: Disciple Leadership, the readings and videos were very informative. While watching the video "Aspects of Building Trust," Guy Kawasaki said, "trust others - you trust your people/ customers and they with trust you / your business." He then gave examples of Amazon and Zappos. These companies both "trust" the customer by offering free shipping and free returns of an items ordered that did not meet the needs of the customer. This gesture shows the customers that the company is willing to be flexible with purchases, returns, and shipping. With the business tactic of "trust," the company trusts the customers and in turn their customers will keep coming back because they know the business is willing to make the them happy with their purchase. Another video that I really liked was the Launching Leaders. The host was Jim Ritchie, and he said, "a leader is a person who take others to the higher ground with them." I love this. It shows that the business world doesn't need to be cut throat. It shows that if people work together and everyone can be successful. Ritchie also gave the example of Capitan Moroni from the Book of Mormon. Captain Moroni was a great leader. He wanted to encourage his people to remember what they were fighting for so he made a title of liberty out of his rent clothes and hung it for everyone to see. Others made their own title of liberties as well. They all worked together to fight for the homes, families, and beliefs. This elevated everyone to higher ground, by working together for one goal. The video “Good to Great” also had great insight within. The first point of the host was to say, “good is the enemy to great.” This means that if you are “good” at something you can become comfortable and stay in that same sphere, without any change or growth. Growth is great. We need to always be challenging ourselves and learning something new. I have things to still learn for my photography business. I have become comfortable in some areas, and after this week I have committed to myself to learn and improve in my comfortable areas. 

word count: 366


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