This week we watched a video called "A Hero's Journey." The Speaker was not named so I will just call him the Speaker. In this video the Speaker talked about a paradox.  He said, "the hero’s journey is all about you, but it’s not about you at all." A funny way to think about being an entrepreneur. He was saying that being a business entrepreneur, you have to think about you, your business, and how you want to run it. You make the decisions that involve your influence. So in a way it is all about you, but the paradox is, your business should be all about others. The service that you provide for your customers, service to others in your community and the support and love you give to your family is what being an entrepreneur is all about. It's about helping or changing the world with your influence. The Speaker talked about 3 promises that would happen when becoming an entrepreneur. They are: "You will 1. learn how to learn, 2. learn to make money, 3. learn to have a meaningful life." He then talked about his former students  were able to figure out how to learn to learn and how to make money. The Speaker said the hardest promise for his students  to figure out was how to have a meaningful life. He said, "live like every day matters!" He said to ask yourself these questions, "have I contributed to something meaningful?, Am I a good person?, and Who did I love and who love me?" These questions were key takeaways for me this week. I have been pondering these questions all week. I want to make sure that I don't waste my time and days. In pondering these questions I realized that I and contributing to something meaningful by raising my 4 boys. As I ask myself am I a good person? Well, the answer is yes but always room for improvement on becoming a better individual in thoughts and deeds. In thinking about the question who did I love, I love my husband, kids and family with all my heart. I need to show and tell them more for sure. Who loved me? Well, I know that my family loves me back. I want to continue growing my relationships with my family so when I am old and gray I will have family who loves and take care for me. 

Word Count: 405


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