This is the first week of my Intro to Entrepreneurship class at BYU-I. I am required to keep a weekly blog journal about that have learned from the course that will help me grow and learn about myself as I peruse in education to become a personal business owner.  
    After reading the article, "Living Life as an Entrepreneurial Hero" by Jeff Sandfer, I have more of a clear path on what I want to do with my photography business. A quote that stood out to me was, "how to I get started? It begins with a paradox: you have to dream big, but start with small steps." 
    I have been wanting to have a photography business since the first time I bought my first camera in 2010. I truly love taking pictures, and capturing special moments in time to then be enjoys for years to come. I have been taking small steps ever since. I have taken a few photography classes from local community colleges, read articles online and much more to educate my self more to be able to take pictures. I have not been able to 100% focus on developing my skills and business because I have had 4 kids and helped my husband through law school. Now that my youngest child is 5, I am determined to focus more on making to my goal as a successful Child & Family Photographer a reality.
    Another quote that I liked from Jeff Sandfer article was, "hero's don't fritter away time - they invest it." This quote rang true to me because I feel like I have frittered away many years of my life, and time passes whether you are doing something to improve yourself or not. I am going to invest my time in myself and eduction to pursue my personal passion in photography.  


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