I really enjoyed this weeks readings on "How will you measure your life?"  Time just flies by and without you really noticing. The days can feel long, but months and years seem to fly by. During this week I was aware of my time and how I spent it, and it really hit home.  In Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin talk entitled "Little Things are Important,"  said, "life is made up of little things, and to manage the minute is the secret to success." This quote resonated with my soul because I took a 15-year break from college and regret now that I didn't use my time more wisely. I took the break in order to help my husband through law school and then we started having children. I am grateful to have been blessed with children but I could have managed my time better. I could have been working on finishing my degree or pursuing my passions in the same little moments I was caring for my children.  Instead, I wasted so much time on thinking that I needed peace and quiet once the kids where in bed and I watched TV. The days, months and years passed whether I was making an effort to move in the right direction or not. But since the readings of this week, I am truly committed to managing every minute so I can be successful in all aspects of my life. I will take moments throughout the day to connect with each of my children in a positive way and have one on one time with them. I will take time to spend with my husband to build our relationship. I will take a few moments everyday to ponder what I am grateful for. My schooling and other daily tasks will also be factored in. I know that if I take a few moments daily to connect with God, he will help me on my journey to be successful with all my personal endeavors. 

Word Count: 331


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