
Showing posts from February, 2021
 This week for my journal entry, I really thought what Jeffery R. Holland said was profound. He said in his talk, "Good Things to Come," "don't you quit when things are hard. There is help and happiness ahead. It will be alright in the end, trust in God." I think this statement is very true when it says, "don't quit when things are hard." It is so easy to want to quit, believe me I have been there. It seems that quitting will solve most of the problems with things get difficult.  It takes all the pressure off of being successful. But on the other hand, if you quit when things are hard you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Most things in life that are worthwhile take significant effort and time to accomplish them. If you don't ever try, you won't learn and grow. When things get hard you need to look at the hardship as a learning experience or a challenge to overcome. When looking a problem with and open mindset, you can see possibil
       Out of the "7 Habits of a Highly Effective Person" created and written by Stephen R. Covey the first habit of being proactive was the one that was most meaningful to me. In the summary article of Covey's book; the main idea of the first habit of "Be Proactive" is, "we can choose our own response to any signals or information we receive. We have the ability to influence our own actions. Therefore, being proactive means to actively choose what our response will be in any situation rather than to react blindly." I agree that we are in control of our responses to a situation and we have a choice on how we react to them. It is very important for individuals to know that they are in control of themselves. This is hard because it means you need to be aware of how you will react in a situation that could make you upset, or mad. Being able to control your reactions will help in your personal and business life because you will think before you act or spea
  The topic for week 6 was "So you want to be an Entrepreneur." In the talk, "Success is Gauged by Self Mastery," by Elder N. Eldon Tanner was a very enlightening read. He shared a quote by Plato and it reads, "the first and best victory is to conquer self, by self." I found this quote very deep and meaningful to me. I spend hours a day trying to master my patience with my 4 children. Some days are great and others are very frustrating and I quickly run out of patience. My goal is to "conquer self, by self" while continually striving to be slow to anger and allow myself to be annoyed in certain situations. This will take daily practice and desire to accomplish my goal. The thought of self-mastery was continued as I was reading in the book "Mastery," by George Leonard. In chapter 10, "Why Resolutions Fall and What to Do About It," Leonard says, "every one of us resists significant change no matter whether it's for the